The Harriet Tubman Free Foot Clinic
The Harriet Tubman Free Foot Clinic has been providing foot care for nearly 25 years, We are a collaborative care clinic, blending conventional and herbal therapies. All services are free thanks to the help of our volunteers and donations from people like you.
We currently offering foot care at:
[]The Friendship Center of the Holy Comforter Church in the
Ormewood Park neighborhood, every 2nd Thursday of the month at
10 AM to 12 PM
[] St John’s the Wonderworker in the Grant Park neighborhood in
collaboration with the Church of the Common Ground every Tuesday
( Toesday ) morning at 10 AM -12 PM
[] We also participate in local health fair events that serve Atlanta’s
unhoused population.
We welcome the opportunity to train and mentor all those who have
in interest in this important work.
An extra set of hands is helpful. If you are interested in becoming a
volunteer or supporting our work with a contribution, please contact
the clinic coordinator at opendoorfootclinic@gmail.com or hit the
donate button.